

a love song from the archives

Set me loose among your dreams
and linger in that which makes you happy
Wrap your history around me
the secret language of your family—
teach me the topography of your mind
so that I can navigate you even when I close my eyes

Every made up word and inside joke
I’ll cherish like a prize
Then on holidays, when we say goodbye,
I’ll squeeze your momma extra tight
I’m thanking her for you
We smile through teary eyes

When you reveal to me your deepest fears,
Inigo, prepare for them to die
For you, my love, my laugh, my song,
Any monster I would fight

Someday I’ll ask you to watch Casper with me
Just so I can recite my favorite line
”Can I keep you?”
Just above a whisper
My love will make a fool of time

And if darkness tries to swallow you whole
I’ll be there to hold your hand
Sometimes words aren’t big enough,
but a shoulder understands

Alyssa FaughtComment