warrior of the light tings
Welcome the universe into your home,
Feed it bread and wine and offer to take its shoes at the threshold.
Clean its messes with gratitude, knowing that one day, you will bear the fruits of this labor.
Love it unquestioningly, as a child who knows no fear.
Learn that begging does not get you far, but grace carries you there.
Pray, meditate, rejoice, dance, laugh, sing.
Partake in the mother’s blessings with humility and reverence.
Listen to the omens.
Let your heart fly and your mind wander—
Eventually you will find your way back down,
And you will have been thankful for the release.
Do not hesitate.
Every mistake is an opportunity,
Every injury a lesson in strength.
You will reach the summit if you keep climbing.
The universe conspires to help you on your way.